How a bad UI/UX can prove fatal for your mobile application

Rapid strides in technology are the order of the day. With the world evolving to heights, new changes, challenges, and demands will crop up time and again making it important and necessary for technological upgradation to accommodate the changes. If you want your mobile application to compete and beat the 4 million mobile apps already in installation then it is high time to give your app the right UI/UX. Mobile application development has indeed become a large step in the overall scheme of things. 42% of the start-ups conduct their businesses through a mobile application and out of the rest of them, 30% of them are planning to have their mobile application soon. Why is good UX essential? UX or User experience is one of the most vital organs of a mobile application. The process of mobile application development should be at the cornerstone of the mobile application. If you want your customer to stick to the app, the experience has to be nothing shor...