Design Your Learning Management System For Better Distance Learning

When around 1.2 billion children worldwide began schooling from home in 2020, educational institutions were forced to consider better solutions for remote learning. While the Online Learning Management System (LMS) was in existence well before the pandemic, it became an absolute necessity since then. Schools and universities bought or tied up with Edtech platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, etc., for specific courses or for distance learning solutions. However, adaptability remained a challenge. What exactly went wrong with LMS solutions back in 2020? The biggest limitation was the lack of customization with LMS features . As a result, individual needs were not met and learning remained sporadic for the most part. Adapting from the existing system to the new one posed as one of the most unavoidable challenges for educators and learners. Top challenges with LMS software in 2020 LMS system was expensive for most people Features couldn’t be customized Custome...