Understanding ReactJS with your AngularJS Knowledge- AngualrJS vs ReactJS
Web application development has captured the interest of businesses spread across several industries. In order to connect with a larger audience, businesses are leveraging on web development built on dynamic frameworks like React JS and Angular JS. An increasing number of the angular developer community is now switching to react web development because of the several benefits offered by React. Before reading further understand a few points Despite both React and Angular being a part of Javascript, Angular is a framework and React is a library If you want to learn React glossary it will be better for you to brush up your Angular glossary You should not cater to problems in React following Angular style Angular uses Typescript while React uses JSX If you wish to understand React JS deeper, you first need to understand what AngularJS is. AngularJS is an all-inclusive ecosystem that enables the angular developer to create dynamic web applications with a methodica...