How and Why Virtual Classrooms becoming Future of Learning

Rapid advances in technologies have popularized the concept of online learning like never before. A combination of emerging tools like cloud computing, 5 G technology, AI-based LMS has literally transformed the education industry. Combining the power of all these technologies is the inception of virtual classrooms which has been posited as a never before seen mode of learning. Understanding Virtual classrooms The virtual classroom is as good as a physical classroom in terms of personal touch, the way in which learning takes place but differentiates in the manner it is conducted. Virtual classrooms are an online web-based tool that creates a classroom environment on an online platform. The classroom instructors can use the platform to equip the learners by teaching effectively on the required topic, give out group assignments, enable them to submit their assignments and also take quizzes without the need to be physically present. For such a format, no downloads are requ...