Why React JS is the best choice for SaaS Application Development

ReactJs developed by Facebook has become one of the most sought after by SaaS developers for their SaaS applications. Netflix, Facebook, Yahoo! Mail are all those SaaS applications which have assumed greater significance in our life. They have all been made with ReactJs as an effective platform and like always have exceeded user expectations. ReactJs became open-source from 2015 and with its library used for the user interface. Stackoverflow ranked it with the highest demand in 2017. What is ReactJs? As discussed earlier, ReactJs is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces for single-page applications. ReactJs handles the view layer for both web and mobile-based applications and lets the users create many UI components. ReacrtJs allows the developers to create large web applications wherein the changes in the data could be made without the need to reload the application. React is not just fast but is pretty simplistic and flexible giv...